Splash Toy Cleaner combines Eucalyptus Essential Oil with alow range enzyme to amplify its effectiveness as a antibacterialcleaning agent and disinfectant.1. Eucalyptus Essential Oil is a natural antibacterial defence.2. Germs can become resistant against synthetic cleaners.Resistance does not develop against naturally-occurringsubstances like eucalyptus oil.3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil only depletes BAD BACTERIA.4. Synthetic and bleach based antibacterial kill both bad andgood bacteria. Allowing BAD BACTERIA to re-form andmutate into SUPER BUGS travelling easily betweensurfaces and onto humans.5. Eucalyptus and essential oils have been clinically tested atWeber State University to kill 99.96% of airbornebacteria.6. Clinical trials show Eucalyptus Essential Oil has one of thehighest BIO-FREQUENCIES of any natural substance. Itsfrequency of 150MHZ does not allow microbes, disease,bacteria, virus and fungus to live.Available in 125ml spray which provide lesswaste and more even coverage for customers